Wealth Cornerstones

Confidence and clarity for your financial future.

Our passion is building, managing, preserving and transitioning wealth for individuals and multigenerational families. We commit time, energy, and conviction to help our clients achieve their financial goals.

Building Wealth - Am I on the right track?

Many people may worry at night if they are saving sufficient funds to retire. That’s why our approach takes you through a comprehensive planning process to help you identify:

  • Where am I now financially?

  • Where do I want to go?

  • How can I get there?

Your comprehensive plan puts your financial picture in focus so you can see where you’re headed and feel confident in where you stand in relation to your goals.

Managing Wealth - How should I invest?

In today’s complex world of asset management, we help our clients understand that managing wealth is more than chasing investment returns. We believe that managing risk is critically important to managing wealth. We believe the key to doing it right requires seeking the best risk-adjusted returns on a consistent basis. Our risk-adjusted investment strategy means that:

  • You’re staying inside your risk tolerance

  • Your plan is based on your unique needs, goals and risk objectives

  • Your portfolio uses custom tactical allocation to manage risk

  • Your investment strategy values risk-adjusted returns rather than trying to beat an index

This risk-adjusted approach can keep you from letting emotions, like fear and greed, guide your decision making.  See how:

Who will carry out my wishes after I’m gone?

Over our decades of helping families in the Greenville community, it is not uncommon to work with three generations of the same family.

As you grow older, we work with you to help put a plan in place to insure your intentions are carried out after you’re gone. We will be here for you and see to it that your legacy is in place to benefit your family, charitable interests and/or community.

As trusted advocates and stewards of your wealth, we work together to establish your legacy plan for the future.

Preserving Wealth - Will my money last?

Retirement can last a long time. We believe it’s prudent to plan for your retirement savings to last 30 years or more. That’s why budgeting and planning are so important. We help you identify your financial gaps and uncover key risks that can impact your strategy, including longevity, inflation, market risk, healthcare costs and family needs.

When you’re ready to retire, you’ll need a reliable income stream to replace your current income. This means not only generating income from your investments but relying on other sources as well:
  • Social Security benefits

  • Pensions

  • Real estate income

  • Part time employment

Your investments are just one of your income sources. So when it comes to preserving those funds, we manage for dollars, instead of percentages [link to case study].  We believe the most reliable way preserve your wealth and meet current and future income needs is to seek the most consistent risk-adjusted returns.